I Want to Write Yet Keep Silent

4:30 pm / Comments (1) / by Philologus

I've come at a crossroad in my life. I feel as if I've ... I want to say so many things but I'm conscious of the Angel that stands by, taking heed to my words. If you can read this pray for me. Itache daya ba ya kurmi! (a tree can not make a forest). I've received a lot of encouraging and timely messages in church and I need the strength to bring things forth. I'm experiencing a dilemma - how can I express the facts of my life without betraying the law of faith and confession.

Certainly, faith does not deny the circumstances yet we are often ensnared by the negative words that issue out of our mouths. Father If you can hear me, and I know you can and will, please give me strength to continue and to overcome my present troubles in Jesus name I pray. Love you, Udu


HECANET @ 3:23 pm

Itache daya ba ya kurmi! But it could reproduce itself and re-reproduce itself and re-re-reproduce itself...unto an hundred and a thousand folds...and ten thousand times ten thousand folds...and will eventually turn into a 'mega forest'.

You are not alone. There are 'countless eyes' on you. You are too blessed to be stressed.